How to do a gut cleanse using doTerra terrazyme?

How To Do A Gut Cleanse

By Jenn Oldham


Did you have a wonderful holiday season? I loved spending time as a family, hosting get-togethers with loved ones, and an abundant amount of Christmas treats. Like, so much candy cane popcorn and fudge. You feel me on this, right?

Now that it's January, my body is just feeling sluggish. It's time to CLEANSE. 

Physically feeling my best allows me to achieve all my New Year Goals. (You're all about goals too, right?) 

I often compare the inside of our bodies (especially after the indulgent holidays!) to a clogged drain in the bathroom. Nothing is worse that needing to use the shower/tub/toilet only to find out that it IS NOT DRAINING. Panic ensues! Alarms go off! It's the absolute worst. Ever

You realize that the inside of our bodies is a lot like that clogged drain, right? Here's a little video about what I mean...

The cleanse lasts for 30 days and goes like this:

Days 1-10 | Zendocrine + TerraZyme

Take one of each in the morning and one of each at night. 

These first 10 days of the cleanse are about cleaning and pre-washing the *ahem* drain. TerraZyme can be likened to a plunger that get everything draining while Zendocrine is like the pre-wash or pre-rinse you do (to get all the hair and fuzzies out) before you fill up your tub. 


Days 11-20 | GX Assist + TerraZyme

Take one of each in the morning and one of each at night. 

Sometimes don't you wish you had a scrubber to clean out your insides? Well, let me share with you what GX Assist can do for your body during days 11-20 of the cleanse. This is a GI tract cleansing formula!


Days 21-30 | PB Assist + TerraZyme

Take one of each in the morning and one of each at night. 

During the last 10 days of the cleanse, we are focusing on probiotics and restoring some of that good bacteria to the body. Let me share my favorite probiotic from doTERRA with you plus one that is just perfect for kiddos!


I did a kickoff call on the morning of Day 1 of the the cleanse. In this 17 minute training I talk about why our bodies need a cleanse, how a cleanse benefits the gut, and which products I recommend and why. 


For all you visual folks, here's an at-a-glance infographic. 

30-day Cleanse

Okay. Now What?

Are you ready to join me for a cleanse? I know I just threw a ton of information at you. I know it can be overwhelming, but I am happy to personally walk you through the whole process! Fill out this contact form and I will get in touch ASAP to set up a call! Let's do this!